Thursday, September 2, 2010

Trip to San Antonio!

We took the girls to San Antonio this past weekend to join my sister Andy, Kenny, and Colby at Sea World.  We left Thursday night and drove to Lampasas, it took about 4 hours.  Poor Aubrey hates being in her car seat, so I spent most of them time sitting by her trying to keep her happy.  Friday morning we drove to Fredericksburg and stopped at Wildseed Farms to pick wildflowers.
Landry & Hailey at Wildseed Farms.
Hailey, Daddy, Aubrey & Landry with some of the flowers they picked.  Daddy took the girls inside the butterfly house there, they loved seeing all the pretty butterflies.
Hailey and her "special" flowers.
Landry loved the flowers!

When we arrived in San Antonio, we met Andy, Kenny, & Colby on the riverwalk.  The kids really wanted to go on a boat ride. 
Waiting patiently for the boat ride!
Colby looks like he might want to swim!
Sweet Aubrey was great on the boat ride, she loves to be outdoors!
The girls loved the riverwalk, but they were ready to go to the hotel at the end of the day. 
Sea World!!!  Hailey kept saying "THANK YOU THANK YOU for taking me to Sea World!!!"  All day she told me that.  She LOVED it!!
Andrea, Colby & Kenny waiting to go in!
The first thing we did was feed the dolphins.  We all got to touch them, they feel really cool!  The trays of fish we fed them were gone fast, it was hard to get a good pic of them feeding.
Colby and Hailey looking at the colorful fish.
This double stroller is a must if you visit Sea World with more than one kid!  We rented it for the day and it was great!
Waiting on the Shamu show!
At the end of the day with their selections from the gift shop.  Daddy looks happy to be going back to the hotel!
I think Miss Aubrey was the most happy to get out of the heat and go back to the hotel!
We left and went home on Sunday.  The girls slept 1/2 the way home, which was great for us!  All in all it was a really fun trip, I would love to do it again, in a few years!!

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