Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Landry's 3rd Birthday

Landry was lucky enough to have 2 birthday parties this year.  The first party was held on Thanksgiving day at my parents house in Hobart, OK.  It was a "Princess & Pirate" party for her and my nephew Colby who also was turning 3.  The kids had a great time "hunting" treasure and decorating they own treasure chests. 

Some of the cupcakes I made for the party. 

Landry and Colby with the "treasure map"

X marks the spot!
Digging in for the loot!
Decorating the treasure chests.
Opening presents...always a favorite of Landry's!
Grandma bought Landry a tinkerbell outfit, complete with wings and shoes that light up.  I think she wore this around for hours after the party.  Landry loves to dress up, so this has been worn a lot since the party!

Party #2!
Landry's second birthday party was a Fairy Party at Jump for Joy in Wichita Falls.  
Cupcakes for the Fairy Party!
Cupcakes and party favors.  The party favors were fairy wands for the girls, flashlights for the boys, and "fairy dough" for all.  (Fairy dough is just homemade playdough with giltter!)
Landry and Hailey coming down one of the big slides.
Landry climbing up to go down the slides.
The kids there had a great time, but I think Uncle Landon might have enjoyed it the most.  He's such a big kid!

Ready to make a wish!

Mackenzie helped Landry open her presents in the big throne chair.

What a fun party! After the party, Landry got to put her handprint on the wall and pick out a Jump for Joy t-shirt.  Now Hailey wants to have her next birthday party there!! 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Halloween 2010

Landry wanted to be a "Candyland Fairy" for Halloween...
Hailey was a Mermaid.

Aubrey was a Little Piggy.

Outside the house.  It was hard to get a pic of all three!

Hadlee was a cute little Ghost!
All the girls with MoMo. 
Vivi, Zell, Hailey, Colson, Aubrey, Colby, & Landry.  What a crew!  Asa for some reason didn't make it in the picture...he must have been off playing.
Grandma has this little piano that Landry loves to play.  She spent quite a bit of time playing the piano and didn't want anyone to try to stop her!
Grandad Ralph holding Aubrey. 

This is random, but Landry LOVES princess polly pockets.  Everyday she gets them out and plays with them.  I found her one day lining them all up...not sure for what!


Baby Elle Faith was born on October 30th.  She is precious!  She has a full head of black hair.
Baby Elle with daddy Joe Max.
Hailey was so proud to get to hold baby Elle!

Dress Up week at School
Crazy Hair Day
Flashback Day
Superhero Day
Halloween Costume Day  (I wouldn't let Hailey wear her mermaid costume, so she chose to be a bat!)

Monday, October 25, 2010

OSU Homecoming & Grandfield football

We had a great time at OSU Homecoming last weekend.  Here is the entire Hunt clan by Theta Pond at walkaround on Friday night. 

This is a little fuzzy, I'm hoping Mandy has a better one!  Matt, Mandy, Mason, and James Teuscher came all the way from IL to come to homecoming and to visit us.  We ALL wish they lived a lot closer!  Hailey and Mason are just months apart and so are Landry and James.  They have a wild time when they are all together!

The Teuscher family

Landon, Lindsay and Hadlee Hunt.  What a cute little family!
Nana and Papa.  Also known as Chris and Diana Hunt.
After the game on Saturday, these 4 little wild things got to take a bath.  Thank you Matt for the bubbles!

Now this is one wild bunch!  Hadlee, Jenna, Mackenzie, Landry, Hailey and Aubrey before a Grandfield football game.
A little lovin' in the back of the car during the game.  Hadlee and Landry.

Jenna and Hailey.  These two have been great friends since Hailey was born!

Jenna, Landry and Mackenzie.  Landry says Mackenzie is her "best friend!"

Sweet Aubrey in her Halloween outfit.  Isn't she precious!

Hailey in the halloween shirt I made for her.  I also made one for Landry, but for some reason don't have a pic of it yet. 

Potty Party, Basketball, & Cotton Harvest

YEA!!!!  Landry finally decided it was time to go potty!  She is one stubborn little girl.  She knew for a loooong time what she need to do, but it was only after I promised her a "princess potty party" at Chuck E. Cheese, did she decide she would use the potty.  Now she goes without me and wakes up almost every morning dry.  It was crazy how fast she did it.  The party was on October 14th and we had a cake that said "Way to go Landry!"  Lots of fun!
Aunt Lindsay supprised Landry with a new pair of "fancy panties" as she calls them.  They are so cute, leopard print with red ruffles!
Fun at Chuck E. Cheese!

This year, Hailey played basketball.  Grandfield has a program for kindergarten - 4th grade that lasts about 6 weeks.  They practiced once a week and had a game every Saturday.  She LOVED it!  She even scored a few times! 

Cotton harvest is not quite over, but getting close!  I haven't taken the girls to the field as much this year, it's a little crazy with all 3 of them!  We had friends come up to show their kids the cotton being harvested and Hailey loved picking cotton herself!

I don't think either of them would last long if they had to pick cotton the old fashioned way!

Daddy showing Landry and Luke the tractor.

Uncle Landon giving Hadlee and Hailey a ride in the cotton stripper.

A very tired Landry.